October 30, 2024

Social Media Day 2024 banner

Stay In The Know

Whether you’re looking for ways to contribute, have questions about the event, or need assistance, we’re here to help. Curious to know how to get involved with Social Media Day Delaware, where to find conference updates, or ways to connect via social media? This is the place to find out.

Conference Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and announcements regarding the conference. Get insider information on speakers, sessions, and more.

Latest News and Announcements

Discover the newest updates and developments surrounding Social Media Day Delaware. From special guests to exciting additions to the agenda, find out what’s happening here.

Social Media Feeds

Engage with us on social media! Connect with our Twitter/X, Facebook, or Instagram feeds to join the conversation, share your excitement, and stay connected with other attendees. Access exclusive updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and valuable insights across Social Media Day Delaware’s social media platforms. Plus, join the conversation by using the official event hashtag: #SMDDE2024.

Get Involved

How to Help

Your interest means so much as we launch the inaugural conference! At this point there are four ways that you can get involved:

  1. Get the word out. Share Social Media Day Delaware with those who would benefit from attending an advanced-level social media conference. Following and sharing our social media accounts, and sharing our blog post, are great ways to support.
  2. Help secure sponsorships. As this is our inaugural conference, sponsorships are key to making sure we can sustain the conference at the highest level. Please visit our sponsorship page.
  3. Direct speakers our way. Know someone who could add unique value and insights to our attendees? We have already identified speakers for 2024, but we love to make connections! Email us at smdde@epicmc2.com with suggestions for next year.
  4. Purchase your tickets now.


Have questions about the event? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section for answers to common queries. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly at smdde@epicmc2.com.